Journal Information
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics (JESTIE)
Call For Papers
The scope of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics encompasses the Field of Interest of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, publishing papers and special sections on emerging topics and new trends.

Technical Areas
Power Electronic Converters 	
Industrial Applications of Automatic Control
Renewable Energy, Storage and Smart Grid 	
Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications
Electric Transportation 	
Factory and Building Automation
Electrical Machines and Drives 	
Human Factors in Industrial Eco-Systems
Sensors, Signal Processing and Fault Tolerant Systems 	
Industrial Informatics, Communication and Cyber Physical Systems
Advanced Motion Control, Robotics and Mechatronics 	
Education in Industrial Electronics

JESTIE invites research papers on emerging areas in all the topics under its scope as listed in The current emerging areas include but are not limited to:

    (i) High frequency power electronics, magnetics, packaging, devices and applications,
    (ii) Battery chargers, battery/supercapacitor/fuel cell-electrolyser integration, battery health monitoring, applications,
    (iii) Industrial electronics in smart grid, micro grid, dc grid, hybrid ac/dc grid,
    (iv) Application of industrial electronics in efficient and cost effective harnessing of energy from solar PV, wind, tidal and small nano/pico hydro systems, energy management,
    (v) Industrial electronics in electric transportation, new motors and controllers,
    (vi) Air, land and sea vehicles, technologies for hybrid/electric aircraft and drones,
    (vii) New power converters for emerging applications (viz. smart grid, e-transportation etc.), fault tolerant converters, tailored dielectrics for power electronics applications, application of artificial intelligence (AI) in power electronics,
    (viii) Soft (data driven) sensors, contact-less sensors, intelligent sensors for industrial applications,
    (ix) Application of neural network and AI in motion control,
    (x) active radio frequency identification (RFID),
    (xi) Hyper-automation, trusted autonomy, flexible manufacturing,
    (xii) Digital transformation, symbiotic autonomous systems, human-centred cyber-physical systems, digital twins (DT), trustworthiness through DTs, industrial artificial intelligence,
    (xiii) Engineering and operation of systems-of-cyber-physical-systems, application of novel service-oriented innovation and business technologies and processes, innovative security-methods and technologies for cyber-physical Information transaction (e.g. block chain),
    (xiv) Seamless human-technology interactions, federated learning as an emerging machine learning paradigm,
    (xv) Reskilling, upskilling, paced education, purpose learning, real-time simulation and virtual laboratories for online teaching.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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