Journal Information
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS)
Call For Papers
The SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences covers all areas of imaging sciences, broadly interpreted. It includes image formation, image processing, image analysis, image interpretation and understanding, computer graphics and visualization, and inverse problems in imaging; leading to applications to diverse areas in science, medicine, engineering, and other fields. Formal approaches, at the level of mathematics and/or computations, as well as state-of-the-art practical results, are expected from manuscripts published in SIIMS. SIIMS provides a broad authoritative source for fundamental results in imaging sciences, with a unique combination of mathematics and applications. SIIMS is mathematically and computationally based, and offers a unique forum to highlight the commonality of methodology, models, and algorithms among diverse application areas of imaging sciences.

Authors are encouraged to exploit the endless possibilities of an electronic publication with the use of color, animations, video, presentations, and additional supplementary material as detailed in the instructions for authors.  SIIMS provides cross-referencing with the peer-reviewed journal Image Processing On Line (IPOL).  We encourage authors to submit their algorithm description and software to IPOL in order to increase the visibility of their work and the potential for collaboration between researchers.

Research papers that innovate both in the fundamentals and in the applications are especially welcome. SIIMS focuses on conceptually new ideas, methods, and fundamentals as applied to all aspects of imaging sciences.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-10-04
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