Conference Information
ISMB 2022: International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 32196   Tracked: 14   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
We have waited patiently, carefully crafted our return to ensure a safe conference, and now we are ready to welcome you back face to face in 2022 for ISMB! The ISMB conference has become synonymous with collaboration, fostering fresh dialogue, and providing innumerable learning opportunities.  ISMB 2022 will offer both in-person and virtual attendance.  We will welcome you to join us in Madison, Wisconsin, July 10-14 or virtually in our state of the art virtual interface. 

Both audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy:

    Training workshops and tutorials
    Student Council Symposium
    Live and on-demand sessions to benefit attendees from all time zones
    500+ expected scientific talks
    Live question and answer feature to engage with the speaker during sessions
    Live chat feature to engage with other participants within your virtual session room
    Dedicated time for research presentation within the Research Exchange Forum (formerly Poster Hall) both face to face and via the virtual platform
    Speaker meet ups for our virtual audience
    Face to face networking events for our in-person audience
    Ability to serendipitously make new connections when utilizing the attendee profile and match maker features within the virtual platform
    Schedule one-on-one time with speakers, poster presenters, exhibitors, and sponsors to learn more about their work, products, or services
    Exclusive access to the ISMB 2022 on-demand repository of talks and poster presentations for viewing at your leisure after conference dates

Mark your calendars and join us July 10-14, 2022, for the premier conference for the field of bioinformatics and computational biology!

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Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-11-30
Acceptance Ratio
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