Conference Information
IoTaaS 2020: EAI International Conference on IoT as a Service
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Xi an, China
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Call For Papers

IoTaaS is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organization devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT. The 6th International Conference on IoT as a Service (IoTaaS) aims to contribute to the discussion on the challenges posed by Internet of Things (IoT). The IoTaaS conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in IoT from academia and industry. IoTaaS attendees will present novel ideas, exchange points of view, and foster collaborations. In 2020, the city of Xi’an, a famous historical and cultural city of China, will host IoTaaS 2020. The conference will consist of technical symposia, tutorials, posters, demos, and workshops. All submissions to this conference will be subject to rigorous peer review before included in the technical sessions.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Networking and Communications Technologies for IoT

    Network architectures
    Ultra-dense networking technology
    Routing algorithms and protocols
    Multiple access control technology
    PHY technology
    New waveform
    5G enabling IoT technology
    802.11 based IoT technology
    M2M and V2X
    IoT Standardization
    Ad Hoc networking
    Key technologies for NB-IoT
    QoS guarantee technology
    Multi-media technology
    Information acquisition and processing technology based on artificial intelligence (AI)
    Big data
    Cloud computing, fog computing, and edge computing
    Green Networking
    Sensor networking

IoT as a service

    Smart objects as a service
    IoT marketplace: for offering IoT based applications and services
    API economy: for easier and tighter integration
    Semantic Web technologies for IoT: registry, storage
    IoT delivery platforms: existing and emerging platform and architectures for exposing and interacting with IoT
    Federated IoT support
    Non Functional Requirements (NFR) for IoT : security, scalability, responsiveness and more
    Standardization: standard areas needed Business models
    IoT DevOps
    IoT context based analytics
    IoT application deployment success stories
    Mobile First IoT: mobile backend as a services (MBaaS) and smartphone as data prosumers
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-10
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