Conference Information
ACSN 2015: International Conference on Advanced Computer Systems and Networks: Design and Application
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Lviv, Ukraine
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Call For Papers
Welcome to the 7th International Conference "Advanced Computer Systems and Networks: Design and Application" (ACSN'2015).

The conference will take place on September 14-16 2015 in Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine).

Proceedings of the conference has been recorded in the ISSN Register as follows: ISSN 2306-6245. Currently conference proceedings are being considered for inclusion to the database SciVerse Scopus (Elsevier).

The best conference papers will be recommended for publication in international journals (from the Thomson Reuters Master Journal List) and in the Transactions on Computer Systems and Networks (Lviv Polytechnic National University Press).

include but are not limited to:

    Computer systems and networks architecture.
    Specialized computer systems.
    Embedded computer systems.
    Parallel and distributed processing.
    High performance computer system.
    Reconfigurable architectures.
    Reconfigurable accelerators.
    Technologies of GPU programming .
    High-level design technologies.
    SoC design.
    System programming.
    Computer network technologies.
    Communication systems.
    Wireless and mobile systems.
    Data base and knowledge data.
    Computer safety.
    Software engineering.
    Signal and image processing.
    Computer technologies in measurement.
    Wireless sensor networks.
    Dependable computer systems and networks.
    Configurable systems and algorithms.
    Adaptive systems and algorithms.
    Artificial intelligence.
    Multiagent systems.
    Emerging technologies and applications.
    International co-operation and integration in the sphere of education and science.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-06-01
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