Conference Information
I3E 2018: IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, e-Society
Submission Date:
2018-06-21 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hawally, Kuwait
QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 11978   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Digitalization is shaping the industrial economy and it is the driving force of the fourth industrial revolution. Traditional business functions are being restructured and entire business model are being transformed. Increasingly practitioners and scholars are forced to rethink everything they do. Value delivery with its embedded intelligence in offerings requires competencies and integration of several disciplines in complex systems. Challenges and opportunities span technological, economic, legal, political, socio-cultural and competitive realms as well as business and management models like in no other previous eras. The speed, breadth and depth of information and knowledge transfer is unprecedented. Managing in the digital era is a challenge in itself. Managing change in the digital era, however, is the greatest of all challenges and, at the same time, the greatest of all opportunities. Our responsibility, in this Digital Era, is to ensure that our contribution to knowledge has a decisively positive impact on all stakeholders and the current and future welfare of the entire society.

The 17th IFIP Conference and Doctoral Colloquium (27th–28th October) aims to bring together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines and communities for the advancement of knowledge regarding ‘challenges and opportunities in the digital era’. To this end, we invite scholars, practitioners and research students to submit and present their papers and findings to the 17th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society to be held in October / November 2018 at GUST, Kuwait.

Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit original, unpublished research papers. All papers must not simultaneously be submitted to another journal or conference. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions should not be under consideration for any other conference or journal outlet. (See submisison guidelines)

Topics of Submission

Papers employing quantitative, qualitative, and/or critical methods are welcomed. Areas of interest include, amongst others, the following:

Social Media
• Social commerce
• Social media and policy consultation
• Social media and public governance
• Social media best practices
• Social media business models
• Social media data mining, analytics and intelligence
• Social media for B2B marketing
• Social media research and theory development
• Social media strategy and integration
• Social media to support education
• Social media, product innovation, and product life-style
• Social media, transparency, openness, and anti-corruption
• ‘Social’ nature of social media.
• Business value of social media and how it can be exploited
• Search and social media analytics
• Challenges and opportunities of social media
• Collaboration and knowledge management using social media
• Legal issues emerging from social media adoption and use
• Managing presence and reputation on social media
• Social media and its application
• Innovation through social media
• Critical perspectives on social media
• Crowdsourcing using social media
• Customer engagement and social media
• Definition and taxonomy of different types of social media
• Disaster prevention using social media
• Effects of social media on consumer choice
• Adoption and diffusion of social media
• Appropriation and re-appropriation of social media
• Content and visual marketing using social media
• Critical perspectives on social media
• Crowdsourcing using social media
• Customer engagement and social media
• Definition and taxonomy of different types of social media
• Disaster prevention using social media
• Effects of social media on consumer choice
• Impact of social media on marketing strategy
• Negative impacts of social media use
• Personnel recruitment/management and social media
• Policy challenges for social media
• Political and social protests using social media
• Privacy issues with social media
• Rigor in social media research
• Risks of social media
• The future of social media
• Sustainability of social media
• Blogging and microblogging
• Corporate social networks
• Internet of things

Information Systems
• ICTs for enabling smart cities
• Smart infrastructure management
• National digital and Internet policy
• Cyber security
• Emerging digital service models
• Web 3.0 management
• Smart mobile apps
• Big data analytics
• Public policy for digital transformation
• Inter-organization information systems
• Human computer interaction
• Smart ICT adoption studies
• Smart transportation and mobility
• Smart urbanization and living
• Cyberbullying and trolling
• Information dissemination
• Semantics
• Sentiment analysis.
• Analysis of user generated content
• Analysis of user generated content
• Open data initiatives
• Digital inclusion
• Internet of things
• Business Intelligence

Marketing and Communications
• E-Markets and marketplaces
• E-marketing strategies
• E-commerce and mobile commerce
• E-negotiation, trading platforms
• E-procurement, e-fulfilment
• E-Payments and m-Payments
• Marketing campaigns on social media
• Pricing in digital markets

Management and Operations
• Critical infrastructure management
• Managing the knowledge society
• Smart supply chain management
• e-Healthcare management
• Information risk management
• Crisis management enabled by social media
• Case studies of best practices in smart supply-chain
• Nation building project management
• Technology management
• Managing search engines
• Measure impact/effect of digitization
• Open innovation
• Good governance, transparency, and accountability
• Collaborations for transformation

Public Administration
• Public policy for smart cities
• Natural resource preservation in the Digital Era

Economics, Sociology and Psychology
• Smart economy and entrepreneurship
• Social transformation using ICTs
• Socio-economic inclusion in the Digital Era
• Economics of web enablement
• Economic and social effects of social media
• Ethical issues relating to social media
• Socio-economic transformation in the Digital Era

e-Finance, e-Banking, and e-Accounting
• E-banking
• E-risk management
• E-investment
• Accounting Information System
• Good governance, transparency, and accountability

Computer Science and Computer Engineering
• Software engineering
• Artificial intelligence (AI)
• Computer architecture and engineering
• Database management systems
• Human-computer interaction
• Cloud computing
• Mobile applications
• Knowledge management
• Software engineering and quality
• Artificial intelligence
• Neural networks
• Fuzzy logic
• Expert systems
• Agents and multi-agent systems
• Natural language processing
• Data mining
• Privacy
• Internet security
• Secure transactions
• Cryptography
• Cyber security

Teaching and Learning
• e-Learning tools
• Mobile learning
• e-Learning organizational issues
• Gamification
• Collaborative learning
• Curriculum content design
• Educational systems design
• Virtual learning environments
• Web-based learning
• Delivery systems and environments
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-06-03
Acceptance Ratio
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