Journal Information
IEEE Software
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE Software's mission is to build the community of leading and future software practitioners. The magazine delivers reliable, useful, leading-edge software development information to keep engineers and managers abreast of rapid technology change. The authority on translating software theory into practice, the magazine positions itself between pure research and pure practice, transferring ideas, methods, and experiences among researchers and engineers. Peer-reviewed articles, topical interviews, and columns by seasoned practitioners illuminate all aspects of the industry, including process improvement, project management, development tools, software maintenance, Web applications and opportunities, testing,usability, and much more.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-04-08
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Full NameImpact FactorPublisher
IEEE Software2.589IEEE
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareACM
ACM Transactions on Storage ACM
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