Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems focuses on such topics as modeling, simulation, analysis and understanding of social systems from the quantitative and/or computational perspective. “Systems” include man-man, man-machine and machine-machine organizations and adversarial situations as well as social media structures and their dynamics. More specifically, the proposed transactions publishes articles on modeling the dynamics of social systems, methodologies for incorporating and representing socio-cultural and behavioral aspects in computational modeling, analysis of social system behavior and structure, and paradigms for social systems modeling and simulation. The journal also features articles on social network dynamics, social intelligence and cognition, social systems design and architectures, socio-cultural modeling and representation, and computational behavior modeling, and their applications.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
Special Issues
Special Issue on Revolutionizing Social Intelligence with AI Technologies and Sensing Innovations
Submission Date: 2025-03-30

The advancement of AI and sensing innovations has unveiled unprecedented opportunities to enhance social intelligence. This evolution has not only reshaped the way we understand and interact with the social world but has also led to innovative approaches to solving complex social challenges. The combination of artificial intelligence, sensing technologies, and social science computing presents unparalleled opportunities to create systems capable of comprehending, forecasting, and impacting social dynamics in more precise and efficient manners. This special issue is dedicated to exploring the various aspects of AI and sensing technologies-empowered social intelligence, from the collection of real-time social and environmental data through wearable device and IoT sensors to the analysis of complex social patterns and behaviors using advanced AI algorithms. The special issue aims to provide a comprehensive platform to showcase research achievements that contribute to the theory, methods, and applications of AI and sensing technology-enhanced social intelligence. We anticipate investigating the developing trends and possibilities presented by this interdisciplinary field to enhance our comprehension of social systems and promote the overall welfare of global communities. This special issue invites high-quality, original contributions from researchers, practitioners, and technologists working at the forefront of AI and sensing technologies applied to social intelligence. The journal encourages the submission of articles that present the latest research results and reflect on potential research directions and challenges in revolutionizing social intelligence with AI and sensing innovations. Additionally, extended versions of selected high-quality papers from UIC2024, as well as notable conferences such as Ubicomp, KDD, ICDE, AAAI, MOBICOM, SIGCOMM within the field will be invited to enrich the scope of this special issue. The special issue has the following topics (but are not limited to): AI-driven models for social behavior prediction and analysis Sensor-based systems for real-time social interaction monitoring Foundation models for social network analysis Data fusion methods for social applications Real-world applications of AI and sensing technologies in social systems Innovative contact or non-contact and IoT technologies for social sensing Computational models for social dynamics Crowd sensing and computing for social cognition Ubiquitous sensing and computing for transportation monitoring and problem-solving Personalized systems for social care support for vulnerable groups Nature-inspired social intelligent systems Important Dates (Tentative) Paper Submission Deadline: March 30, 2025 First Round of Reviews Deadline: June 15, 2025 Submission of Revision Deadline: August 30, 2025 2nd Round of Reviews Deadline: October 30, 2025 Decision of Acceptance Deadline: November 30, 2025 Guest Editors: Runhe Huang, Hosei University, Japan. Bin Guo, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. Binbin Zhou, Hangzhou City University, China. Xin Yao,Lingnan University, HK SAR, China. Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy. Submission Guidelines Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the submission guidelines of the IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. Manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission system at:, and select “Special Issue” of “Revolutionizing Social Intelligence with AI and Sensing Innovations” under the Manuscript Category. A separate cover letter should be submitted along with your submission, and notably, if the submission is an extension of a previously published high-quality conference paper, a detailed explanation of the significant differences should be provided. For any inquiries, please contact:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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