Conference Information
ICCCR 2025: International Conference on Computer, Control and Robotics
Submission Date:
2025-03-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hangzhou, China
Viewed: 9852   Tracked: 12   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society is committed to advancing diversity in Robotics and Automation, and to promoting an inclusive and equitable culture that welcomes, engages, and rewards all who contribute to the field, without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. Please check the topics of ICCCR 2025. The topics are not limited to those as below:

Control Systems and Optimization (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)

    * Genetic Algorithms
    * Fuzzy Control
    * Decision Support Systems
    * Machine Learning in Control Applications
    * Knowledge-based Systems Applications
    * Hybrid Learning Systems
    * Distributed Control Systems
    * Evolutionary Computation and Control
    * Optimization Algorithms
    * Soft Computing
    * Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
    * Neural Networks based Control Systems
    * Planning and Scheduling
    * Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis
    * Engineering Applications
Robotics (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)

    * RAMS abilities of robotic systems
    * Hardware modeling and abstraction
    * Resource awareness
    * Sensor fusion, integration
    * Place recognition, localization
    * Image Processing
    * Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
    * Robot Design, Development and Control
    * Control and Supervision Systems
    * Telerobotics and Teleoperation
    * Vehicle Control Applications
    * Industrial Networks and Automation
    * Object recognition, tracking
    * Scene interpretation
    * Robot cognition
    * Manipulation, grasping
    * Robot kinematics, dynamics
    * Human-Robots Interfaces
    * Network Robotics
    * Autonomous Agents
    * Perception and Awareness
    * Space and Underwater Robots
    * Modelling, Simulation and Architecture
    * Human-Machine Interfaces
    * Motion planning, control
    * Navigation
    * Task planning, monitoring
    * Human-robot Interaction
    * Robot simulation
    * Multi-robot systems
    * Collective and Social Robots
    * Humanoid Robots
    * Cognitive Approach for Robotics
    * Mobile Robots

Computer Science (Topics are interested but not limited to the following)

    * Formal methods for analysis and design
    * Software architectures
    * Middleware infrastructures
    * Model-driven engineering
    * Component-based engineering
    * Natural language understanding
    * Machine learning
    * Reasoning
    * Multi agent system
    * Multimedia computing
    * Internet of Things
    * Data- driven design and analysis
    * Virtual reality
    * Computer security
    * Human computer interaction
    * Problem solving
    * Semantic computing
    * Knowledge representation
    * Software product line engineering
    * Data, ontology, and knowledge engineering
    * Autonomic computing
    * Service oriented computing
    * Cloud computing
    * Context and intention awareness
    * Affective computing
    * Conversational computing
    * Planning
Last updated by Dunn Carl in 2025-02-06
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