Conference Information
ICWREE' 2020: International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
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Shanghai, China
Viewed: 6123   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The scope of the conference will be quite broad covering the below-listed areas. Topics include:

Water Resources Management

Water Resources Systems
Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Resources
Monitoring, Remediation, Assessment and Protection of Water Resources
Planning and Management of Water Resources and Water Provision
Watershed Hydrology
Erosion and Sediment Transport

Water Policies, Planning and Economics

Development and Realization of National and International Policies on Water
Sustainable Economy
Coastal Economy
Port Economy
Marine Logistics
Ocean Shipping
Economic Development along the River
Resources Development and Protection of the Yellow River and Yangtze River
Water Efficiency Including Water Footprint and Virtual Water Calculations
Changing Patterns of Water Consumption and Use

Sustainability and Water

Water Quality Assessment
Water Environment Protection
Water Restoration and Sustainable Use
Unsustainable Patterns of Water Consumption and Use
Water Demand and Consumption
Water Recycling and Reuse

Water Pollution

Contaminant Sources, Sorption, Diffusion, Transformation, Volatilization and Transport
Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water
Electro-analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment
Chemical Water Pollution
Marine Water Pollution

Water and Wastewater Treatment

Industrial Water and Wastewater Treatment
Domestic and Potable Water Treatment
Agricultural Wastewater Treatment
Water Purification
Development of Analytical Methods for Emerging Contaminants

Aquatic Ecosystems

Ecology of Water Resources
Degradation of Aquatic Ecosystems
Marine Ecology
Freshwater Ecology
Aquaculture and Environmental Impacts
Aquatic Ecosystems Maintenance and Preservation

Sustainable Drainage

Surface Water Management
Storm Water Management
Runoff Control
Extreme Hydrological Events
Sustainable Flood Retention Basins
Permeable Pavement Systems
Hydrologic Numerical Simulation
Hydrologic Model


Water and Groundwater Interactions
Groundwater Contamination and Protection
Soil and Aquifer Properties
Groundwater Flow and Well Hydraulics
Hydro-geochemistry and Contaminant Hydrogeology

Wetland Systems

Integrated Constructed Wetlands
Treatment Wetlands
Ecosystem Restoration

Desalination and Membrane Technology

Reverse osmosis
Nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration
Pre-treatment and post-treatment processes
Novel desalination technologies
Membrane distillation
New membrane types
Forward osmosis
Membrane systems
Hybrid systems
Novel membrane systems and configurations
Brine/concentrate disposal and waste management
Energy and sustainability
Resource recovery and water reuse and brine concentration and disposal
Scale and corrosion inhibition and operational problem solving
Bio-fouling control and removal of suspended matter in feed water
Low pressure membranes
Residuals management and environmental impact

Ocean and Marine Science

Coastal Engineering
Ship Science
Marine Engineering
Waterway Engineering
Submersible Science
Marine Geology and Life Science
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-06-21
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