Conference Information
SIMUL 2024: International Conference on Advances in System Simulation Date: |
2024-06-17 |
Notification Date: |
2024-08-04 |
Conference Date: |
2024-09-29 |
Location: |
Venice, Italy |
Years: |
16 |
Viewed: 7297 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
SIMUL 2024 continues a series of events focusing on advances in simulation techniques and systems providing new simulation capabilities. While different simulation events are already scheduled for years, SIMUL 2024 identifies specific needs for ontology of models, mechanisms, and methodologies in order to make easy an appropriate tool selection. With the advent of Web Services and WEB 3.0 social simulation and human-in simulations bring new challenging situations along with more classical process simulations and distributed and parallel simulations. An update on the simulation tool considering these new simulation flavors is aimed at too. The conference will provide a forum where researchers shall be able to present recent research results and new research problems and directions related to them. The conference seeks contributions to stress-out large changels in scale system simulation, and advanced mechanisms and methodologies to deal with them. We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals. Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status. Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions. SIMUL 2024 conference tracks: Trends and achievements Simulating Industry 4.0 systems; Simulating Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based systems; Simulating multidimensional social networks; Explicit semantic for co-simulation; Aspects-based simulation modeling; Distributed simulation of autonomous systems; Simulation urban-situations n smart cities; Validating mission-critical applications; Exascale simulations high performance systems; Simulation of Internet of Vehicle (IoV) systems Simulation models Monte Carlo simulation; Statistical analysis of simulation output; Analytical simulation modeling; Discrete event simulation models; Credible simulation models; Multi-objective simulation models; Multisimulation with multiresolution, multistage multimodels; Verification and validation of simulation models; Simulation metamodels; Executable simulation models; Emulation models; Regression models and experimental designs; Kriging metamodeling; Kriging metamodeling in discrete-event simulation; Kriging modeling for global approximation Simulation methodologies Sensitivity analysis; Rare-event simulation methodology; Agent-based modeling and simulation; Regenerative steady-state simulation; Simulation-based ordinal optimization; Ontology-based simulation methodology; Simulation component reuse methodology; Two-level simulation methodology; Emulation methodologies; System adaptation simulation; Simulation methodologies for autonomic and autonomous systems; Virtual reality simulation methodologies; Virtualization simulation; Construction simulation methodologies Sensitivity analysis Systematic simulation using sensitive analysis; Probabilistic sensitivity analysis; Sensitivity analysis of simulation technologies (Monte Carlo, Streamline, Spatial models, etc.); Domain-oriented sensitivity analysis (optimization, estimation matching, climate); Sensitivity analysis of products features, formalisms, design optimization (systems, code); Assessing the competency of business services (public, health, transportation, etc.); Sensitivity analysis and performance extrapolation; Adjoint transient sensitivity analysis; Causality and sensitivity analysis; Assessing the accuracy of sensitivity analysis Simulation mechanisms Composing simulation models; Reusable simulation model; Uncertainty simulation; Continuous-variable simulation optimization; Approximate zero-variance simulation; Probabilistic processes for simulation; Progressive model fitting; Steady-state simulations with initial transients; Merging simulation and optimization; Simulation optimization, stochastic programming and robust optimization; Overlapping variance estimators; Kriging interpolation in simulation; Kriging versus regression analysis; Interpolation; Random simulation; Prediction and simulation; Interpolation /Kriging, Cokriging, Conditional Simulation, and Inverse Distance Weighting/ Model based system prediction Model based prediction of system quality characteristics and their trade-offs; Prediction models; Methods and tools for system quality prediction; Reliability prediction; Security prediction; Risk prediction; Performance prediction; Uncertainty handling in prediction models; Prediction of change impacts on system quality and risk; Quality and trustworthiness of prediction models; Predictability of system quality characteristics; Predictability of dynamic and adaptive systems; Data acquisition methods in system quality prediction; Traceability and maintainability of prediction models; Inference types in prediction models; Experience reports on and application areas for system quality prediction; Empirical studies on system quality prediction Distributed simulation Large-scale simulation experiments; Industrial scale simulation; Time aspects in distributed simulation; Resource constraints in distributed simulation; Distributed disaster decision simulation; Simulation for rapid assessment of distributed impacts; Parallel and distributed simulation; Model-driven distributed simulation engineering Human-in simulation User-in-the-middle simulations; User-feedback in simulations; User-adaptive simulations; Bioterrorism preparedness simulation; Probabilistic risk assessment; Measurement of situation awareness Simulations in advanced environments Simulation in Virtualized systems; Simulation in Cloud environments; Simulations in GRID environments; Simulation in Cognitive systems; Simulation in P2P systems; Simulation in Data Centers; Simulation in Power Distribution Centers; Simulation in micro- and nano-systems; Simulation in Geospatial systems; Geostatistics simulation; Spatial simulation; Simulation in Self-Adaptable systems; Simulation in Ubiquitous systems; Simulation in Underwater Vehicular and Communications systems; Simulations in Mobile and Vehicular systems; Simulation in eHealth systems;Computational fluid dynamics simulations for urban and environmental applications Practical applications on process simulations Uncertainty in industrial practice; Simulation for business planning; Application to finance; Logistics simulation; Supply chain simulation; Software reliability simulation; Simulation in vehicular systems /avionics, satellites, terrestrial/; Simulation models for manufacturing; Climate and weather-related simulations; Biological system simulation; Chemical system simulation; Commercial simulation environments; Healthcare simulation; Hospital planning; Simulation-based scheduling; Simulation in warehouse operations; Manufacturing simulation interoperability; Telecommunications simulations /reliability, queuing, fault spreading, virus contamination/; Cyber-attack modeling and simulation; Sensor fusion simulation Case studies on social simulation Group-work interaction simulation; Behavior analysis in simulations; Social need simulations; Simulating urban open spaces; Social decision simulation; Real-time decision making simulation; e-Polling simulation; Validation of simulated real-world; Simulation to predict market behavior; Predictions via similarity-based data-mining; Simulation of groups in e-Government systems; Simulation of urban mobility Online social simulation Online social models, social networking; Simulation of conflicts, cooperation, persuasions; Simulation of dynamics, group decisions, emerging behavior and situations; Simulation of interactive games, predictions and distributed tasks; Simulation of 3D online communities, massive online multiplayers, virtual social communities; Life problems simulation (sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, geography, archeology and linguistics); Group innovation and consumption simulation; Applications, techniques, tools, computational frameworks, experiments and lessons Building simulation Simulation of building physics; Human simulation of the indoor environment; Civil-oriented and enterprise-oriented simulations; Simulation of building services (lightning, heating, cooling, ventilation, insulation, etc.); Simulation of energy capture and conversion; Simulation of solar buildings, geothermal energy buildings; Simulation for earthquakes, flooding, fire propagation, etc.; Simulation of design practice; Tools and applications to simulate building-related properties and situations Transport simulation Transport system models; Airport simulation; Public transport simulation; Merchandise port simulation; Rural transport simulation during harvest time; Shipping transport simulation; Content and volume-based transport simulation; Simulation of traffic control and synchronization; Prediction accuracy of transport simulations; Simulation of transport projects Warfare simulation Warfare simulation environments and models; Tactical and strategic warfare simulation; Attack warfare simulation; Urban warfare simulation; Warfare simulation in unknown environment; Underwater, terrestrial, and spatial simulations; Hierarchical control simulation; Warfare gaming Simulation tools and platforms Discrete-event simulation software; Commercial off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability; Ontology-based tools for simulation integration; Simulation frameworks for energy-efficient systems; Public system applications; Simulators for business planning; Simulation tools for systems biology; Simulation tools for constructions /bridges, railways, industrial buildings, subways/ Experience report on ready-to-use tools ShowFlow and XJ technologies; Rockwell Automation and Frontline Systems; SIMULE-Planner, AutoMOD; PMC-Kanban Simulator, Program Portfolio Simulator and Asprova Scheduler; 3D simulator tool-kits; Wolverine Software-SLX; OPNET; OMNET++; NIIST; NS-2; NS-3; ATDI ICS; Qualnet; Dymola; Matlab/Simulink; Open source tools
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-05-12
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