Conference Information
LPW 2020: Location Privacy Workshop
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Dublin, Ireland
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Call For Papers
Location and mobility data are highly sensitive, as they can be used to infer a number of other personal and sensitive data on an individual. However, human mobility is highly predictable, and location information is routinely collected by location-aware devices (e.g. smartphones), connected vehicles and smart transportation systems, e-tolling, and cameras with face recognition among others.

Location privacy is a rapidly developing research area, and the first Location Privacy Workshop (LPW) provides a platform for original research and discussion on all technical aspects of privacy and security of location-based services.

Topics of interest

    Security of location-aware mobile devices
    Privacy-enhancing technologies for location-based services
    Privacy and anonymity in (public) transportation systems
    Privacy in connected autonomous vehicles
    Security of smart mobility applications
    Privacy in location-aware social media
    Privacy in position-based advertising
    Malicious and pervasive tracking, de-anonymization
    Cryptographic protocols and schemes for location information
    Data structures for location information
    Security and reliability of positioning systems
    Location verification and authentication
    Location forensics
    Data protection techniques for regulatory (GDPR) compliance
    …and any other related topic
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-01
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