Journal Information
Interactive Learning Environments
Impact Factor:
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Interactive Learning Environments publishes articles on all aspects of the design and use of interactive learning environments in the broadest sense, encompassing environments that support individual learners through to environments that support collaboration amongst groups of learners or co-workers.

Relevant domains of application include education and training at all levels, life-long learning and knowledge sharing. Relevant topics for articles include: adaptive systems, learning theory, pedagogy and learning design, the electronically-enhanced classroom, computer mediated communications of all kinds, computer aided assessment, the design and use of virtual learning environments and learning management systems, facilitating organisational change, applying standards for courseware reuse, tracking, record keeping and system interoperability, the use of learning content management systems, including workflow design and publication to a range of media, and issues associated with scaling up delivery to large cohorts of students and trainees within the corporate, educational and other public sectors.

Review and survey articles that show scholarly depth, breadth and richness are particularly welcome.

Specific themes the journal covers include the following:

Individual learning

    Innovative learning situations, including adaptive systems, intelligent tutoring, conversational and advisory systems
    Tools to aid learning and tools for studying and modelling learners
    Cognitive, social, developmental and motivational aspects of how learning comes about
    Principles of course design for effective learning, authoring tools
    Self-organised learning and learning to learn

Group Activity

    Informal knowledge exchange networks
    Participation in on-line discussion
    Computer supported teamwork projects
    Collaborative learning processes
    Peer tutoring and mentoring in computer mediated learning
    Self assessment and peer assessment in virtual classrooms
    Interactive video and audio technologies

Social and organisational issues

    Facilitating and managing organisational change
    Integrating e-learning with other business processes
    The interface between e-learning and knowledge management


    Production processes
    The use of digital repositories
    Courseware sharing and reuse

Peer Review Policy:
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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