Journal Information
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS)
Call For Papers
The Editors-in-Chief invite the submission of original, full-length papers, according to the author instructions on the TACCESS website.

Emphasis is placed on submissions with experimental results, but strong papers presenting new theoretical insights or positions will also be given consideration. Topics should focus on (but are not necessarily limited to) the design, development, evaluation and scientific investigation of technologies to support individuals with disabilities. The focus is defined as, but not limited to, issues of assistive technologies and inclusive design in relation to the needs of older adults as well as people with disabilities related to one or more of the following capabilities:

    Vision, hearing, or other senses
    Motor skills
    Memory, learning, or cognition
    Speech, language, or reading

Papers may include but are not limited to the following topics:

    User evaluation, experience, and studies
    System papers for assistive devices and technologies
    Social issues
    Web / interface accessibility
    Access to technology
    Access to the real and built environment (pervasive and ubiquitous systems)
    Multi-modal interaction
    Universal design

TACCESS strives to publish research that carefully addresses the issues involved when individuals with disabilities interact with information technologies. In general, this means that empirical studies should include participants that are representative of the intended users of the system being studied. This does not mean that all participants must be representative of the intended users, but it does mean that some individuals fitting this description should be included in an appropriate way in the data collection process. In some cases, articles may be accepted for publication if representative users are not included in studies, but only if a sufficiently compelling argument is presented as to why it is appropriate or necessary to use non-representative users and any implications of this decision are adequately addressed.

Additional details:

    TACCESS will consider short papers (4-5 pages), but these papers will be subject to a comprehensive review and will be expected to represent a significant contribution to the field.
    Position papers may be distributed to members of the community before publication to solicit responses or opinions which would be published along with the original paper.
    If a data set is presented as a key piece of the contribution for a manuscript, the data set must be included with the submission in the ACM Digital Library.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-05-05
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