Journal Information
Cognitive Systems Research
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Call For Papers
Cognitive Systems Research is dedicated to the study of human-level cognition. As such, it welcomes papers which advance the understanding, design and applications of cognitive and intelligent systems, both natural and artificial.

The journal brings together a broad community studying cognition in its many facets in vivo and in silico, across the developmental spectrum, focusing on individual capacities or on entire architectures. It aims to foster debate and integrate ideas, concepts, constructs, theories, models and techniques from across different disciplines and different perspectives on human-level cognition. The scope of interest includes the study of cognitive capacities and architectures - both brain-inspired and non-brain-inspired - and the application of cognitive systems to real-world problems as far as it offers insights relevant for the understanding of cognition.

Cognitive Systems Research therefore welcomes mature and cutting-edge research approaching cognition from a systems-oriented perspective, both theoretical and empirically-informed, in the form of original manuscripts, short communications, opinion articles, systematic reviews, and topical survey articles from the fields of Cognitive Science (including Philosophy of Cognitive Science), Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science, Cognitive Robotics, Developmental Science, Psychology, and Neuroscience and Neuromorphic Engineering. Empirical studies will be considered if they are supplemented by theoretical analyses and contributions to theory development and/or computational modelling studies. Note that the journal does not publish clinical and medical papers. We also do not publish pure machine learning papers, e.g. studies proposing variants of classifiers or pure algorithmic improvements that bear no connection to cognitive systems research in the sense above.

Additionally, Cognitive Systems Research plays a special role in fostering and promoting the 'BICA Challenge' to create a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind by devoting two special issues to BICA AI (Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence) related topics each year.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issues
Special Issue on Cognitive architectures for Reinforcement Learning
Submission Date: 2024-11-01

This special issue aims to attract researchers from Artificial Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience, Psychology, and Cognitive Robotics to discuss the current state of research on Cognitive Architectures for Reinforcement Learning, both from theoretical and modeling perspectives. Reinforcement Learning (RL), especially Deep RL, achieved impressive results in many areas of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: manipulation and navigation tasks, visual and board game playing, recommendation systems, large language fine-tuning, etc. However, it is now becoming evident that in order to build human-level intelligent agents, it is necessary to integrate RL approaches with other methods, such as natural language analysis, planning, and reasoning. The use of next-generation cognitive architectures, including those using pre-trained fundamental neural models, can provide an effective way to integrate such approaches. This collection is intended to showcase state-of-the-art and new ideas in the field of cognitive reinforcement learning and identify promising directions and notable advances in this field. At the same time, the goal of the special issue is to put developed methods and algorithms in the general context of research on cognitive systems, models, and cognitive architects to clarify the role and essential place of integrating approaches. Guest editors: Dr. Aleksandr Panov, PhD AIRI, Moscow, Russia (Reinforcement Learning, Cognitive Robotics, Behavior Planning) Dr. Mikhail Burtsev, PhD London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, London, UK (Natural Language Processing, LLM-based agents, Transformers, Memory) Manuscript submission information: The journal's submission platform (Editorial Manager®) is now open for submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript and select the article type of “VSI: CogRL” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage: Guide for authors - Cognitive Systems Research - ISSN 1389-0417 | by Elsevier. Timeline: Submission Open Date *01/06/2024 Final Manuscript Submission Deadline *01/11/2024 Editorial Acceptance Deadline *30/12/2024 Keywords: Cognitive architectures for Reinforcement Learning Social and Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Neuro-symbolic Reinforcement Learning Cognitive Robotics LLM-based Agents Brain-inspired Reinforcement Learning Brain-inspired representations for Reinforcement Learning Reinforcement Learning in Neurobiology Reinforcement Learning in Cognitive Science Explainable AI models in Reinforcement Learning
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issue on Researches in Advanced Cognitive Systems
Submission Date: 2024-11-01

RACS is a special issue of the Cognitive System Research Journal aiming on collecting impactful and original contributions in in the fields of cognitive systems and artificial intelligence. Given the foundational importance of these research fields, the special issue aims to provide an overview of the latest advancements in computational frameworks and cognitive models crucial for understanding the human mind and replicating human cognitive abilities. RACS serves as a forum for sharing recent findings and introducing novel challenges, spanning human-level intelligence, complex cognition, integrated intelligent systems, cognitive architectures, and related areas. Despite evolving perspectives, numerous researchers continue to uphold this vision, and it is of utmost importance to assemble top-notch research and pioneering approaches on science of cognitions, within specified timeframes, pivotal for fostering advancements in human society. Therefore, the primary goal of RACS special issue is to offer a forum fully aligned with the journal's scope. Guest editors: Arianna Pipitone, PhD Department of Humanities, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy (Cognitive Robotics, Social Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Consciousness) Agnese Augello, PhD Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR), National Research Council of Italy, Palermo, Italy (Augmented Human Computer Interaction, Cognitive Architectures, Social Robotics, Computational Creativity, Artificial Intelligence) Jamie Macbeth, PhD Smith College, Northampton, MA, USA (Cognitive Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Representations, Natural Language Understanding, Narrative Generation) Manuscript submission information: The journal's submission platform (Editorial Manager®) will be open for submissions to this Special Issue from June 13th, 2024. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript and select the article type of “VSI: RACS” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage: Guide for authors - Cognitive Systems Research - ISSN 1389-0417 | by Elsevier. Timeline: Submission Open Date *13/06/2024 Final Manuscript Submission Deadline *01/11/2024 Editorial Acceptance Deadline *01/01/2025 Keywords: Cognitive Science, Cognitive Robotics and Intelligence, Computational models of cognitions, Cognitive architectures
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issue on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence
Submission Date: 2024-12-15

There is an emergent consensus among AI researchers that the future of AI is in interacting with humans socially and fluidly. Indeed, in the last few years new technologies like Large Language Models (LLM) produced an impressive leap in this direction. Yet, LLM have severe limitations in many directions, including socially emotional intelligence, commonsense reasoning, context understanding, to name just a few. The time has come for AI to tap cognitive principles from biology. Biological intelligent systems, notably humans, have many qualities that are often lacking in artificially designed systems including robustness, flexibility, and adaptability to social contexts. Their believability and explainability of behavior, their level of empathy and trustworthiness are unmatched by the state-of-the-art AI systems. At the same time, the growth in computer science and technology has unleashed enough computational power, that an explosion of many forms of AI, including socially intelligent systems is inevitable. This special issue will promote, facilitate, and integrate studies from many disciplines, unified by the challenge of computational replication of the human mind in its highest cognitive abilities. This endeavor, known as the BICA Challenge, is interdisciplinary in nature. It calls on studies in a broad spectrum of areas, including Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Modeling, Neuromorphic Engineering, Neuroscience, Psychology, Ethics, and more. Guest editors: Alexei Samsonovich, PhD National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russian Federation (Affective Cognitive Modeling, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Socially Emotional Artificial Intelligence, Multimodal Human-Computer Interface) Tingting Liu, PhD College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University, Cixi, China (Embodied Agents, Virtual Reality, Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Serious Games) Zhen Liu, PhD Ningbo University, Ningbo, China (Embodied Agents, Virtual Reality, Affective Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Serious Games) Manuscript submission information: The journal's submission platform (Editorial Manager®) is now open for submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Guide for Authors to prepare your manuscript and select the article type of “VSI: BICA*AI” when submitting your manuscript online. Both the Guide for Authors and the submission portal could be found on the Journal Homepage: Guide for authors - Cognitive Systems Research - ISSN 1389-0417 | by Elsevier. Timeline: Submission Open Date *15/05/2024 Final Manuscript Submission Deadline *15/12/2024 Editorial Acceptance Deadline *15/03/2025 Keywords: BICA Cognitive Modeling Social Intelligent Agents Affective Conversational Agents Artificial Emotional Intelligence LLM-Based Agents Embodied Emotional Cognition Serious Games Believable Virtual Actors Ethical AI Strong AI Artificial General Intelligence Artificial Superintelligence
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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