Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI)

Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) is a journal for research relevant to multiple aspects of the intersection between human factors and computing systems. Characteristics of humans, from individual cognition to group effects to societal impacts, shape and are shaped by computing systems. Human and computer interactions affect multiple aspects of daily life, shape mass social changes, and guide novel computing experiences. These interactions are studied via multiple methods, including ethnography, surveys, experiments, and system implementation, among others. PACMHCI covers a broad range of topics and methods that help illuminate the intersection between humans and computing systems. The scope of this journal includes research contributions in new systems for input and output, studies of user experiences with computing systems, scholarship on the individual and group effects of computer mediation, and societal impacts of new human computer interactions. PACMHCI also welcomes contributions on new methodologies, tools, theories, and models, as well as visionary and survey papers that help advance the field.

What are tracks?

Human-computer interaction is a diverse field that combines contributions from social scientists, psychologists, computer scientists, designers, and many others. This necessitates a journal model that supports these diverse fields and perspectives while providing a framework that encourages a consistent review process and review standards.

To that end, PACMHCI has adopted a multi-track model. Each track has a unique topical focus, its own Track Chairs, its own editorial board, and its own set of deadlines that are guided by the portion of the HCI community that it serves.  Accepted papers from all tracks appear in the journal with only the issue name indicating in which track a paper originated.  In essence, the journal is composed of several mini-journals, brought together by the overarching theme of advancing research in human-computer interaction.

The editorial boards for each track work much like the editorial boards for any other journal. Associate editors are appointed to boards, generally for at least a two year term, and editors may remain on the board as long as they are able to reliably carry out their tasks.  Editors may of course step down or take a break from their duties if they must attend to other commitments.

The Track Chairs’ role is similar to that of the Editor-in-Chief of a typical journal. The Chairs coordinate their track editorial board, manage the overall review process for the track, and ensure consistency in the quality and topic fit of the submissions that are accepted.  Track Chairs serve for at least two years.  Compared to a typical Editor-in-Chief role, there are two somewhat unique aspects to the Track Chair role.  First, there is always more than one Track Chair per track, and sometimes several.  The exact structure is chosen by the track and differs somewhat across our tracks.  Second, the Track Chairs often serve multiple years in alternating and overlapping terms.  For example, one Track Chair might serve from 2020-2022, while the other Chair serves from 2021-2023.  As one chair’s term ends, another new chair is selected and starts a new term.  This means that any one time, there is always at least one chair with a year or more of experience, which helps maintain consistency over the long-term.

PACMHCI also has a Supervisory Editorial Board, which sits above the track editorial boards, and helps to ensure that the journal’s processes are followed and its review standards are upheld.  Each track is assigned one member of the Supervisory Editorial Board to work with directly, and other at-large members are available to provide additional guidance.

Under the tracks heading on the PACMHCI web page, you can find information about each of the tracks, the membership of their editorial boards, and details about their specific deadlines and review processes.

Another journal using the track model is the Ecosphere journal.


The current tracks of PACMHCI are listed below.  

If you would like to propose a new track, please reach out to the Editor-in-Chief.  If the EiC is supportive of the proposal, then a document will need to be written described the track and its procedures.  This document must then be approved by ACM’s PACM subcommittee and the ACM Publications Board.

    Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW) This track publishes empirical and critical work on the design and use of technologies that affect groups, organizations, communities, and networks. The CSCW track explores the technical, social, material, and theoretical challenges of designing technology to support collaborative work and other life activities.
    Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS) This track is devoted to all aspects of engineering usable and effective interactive computing systems, ranging from traditional workstation-based interactive systems to those involving new and emerging modalities (e.g., gesture), applications (e.g., mobile and ubiquitous games) and development methods (e.g., extreme programming). The EICS track focuses on tools, techniques and methods for designing and developing interactive systems.
    Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) This track seeks to advance the field of eye tracking research & applications.  ETRA welcomes submissions that present advances and innovations in oculomotor research, gaze tracking systems, eye tracking applications, gaze-based interaction, and eye movement analysis.  This includes work from disparate domains, including visuomotor neuroscience, perception, and cognition.  The track also welcomes work in many application areas, such as eye-gaze for security applications, eye movements in programmers, computer-gaze interaction, privacy and ethics in eye tracking, and eye tracking on the web.
    Games (GAMES) This track welcomes research that further an understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions, and contributions to the theory of play and games. The track welcomes contributions on the effects of various technologies, software, or algorithms on player experiences; however, technical contributions without impact on players or game designers and developers are not within scope. 
    Group (GROUP) This track is devoted to research on Sociotechnical Studies, Practice-Centered Computing, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, and related areas. The GROUP track encourages any research into broader questions across society and computing. 
    Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) This track welcomes submissions on the design, development and use of new and emerging interactive surface technologies and interactive spaces. We welcome original, high-quality research that advances the state-of-the-art for interactive surfaces and spaces and across a wide variety of domains including design, software, hardware, understanding of use, and applications or deployments of such interactive systems.
    Mobile (MOBILE) This track is devoted to discussing research on the challenges, potential solutions and innovations towards effective interaction with mobile systems and services. We welcome original, high-quality research that advances the state-of-the-art for mobile interaction, including design, software, hardware, understanding of use, and applications or deployments of mobile systems.
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