Conference Information
ACIS 2018: Australian Conference on Information Systems
Submission Date:
2018-08-06 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Sydney, Australia
Viewed: 8413   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We call for papers to be submitted to the 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS2018). ACIS is the premier conference in Australasia for Information Systems. In 2018, ACIS will be hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University Technology Sydney (UTS), in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The event will take place at the UTS campus from the 3rd – 5th December 2018. UTS is located in the centre of Sydney close to the central train station and many highlights of Sydney including the iconic Sydney Opera House.

Conference Theme: Strategic Positioning

Within the current global context, resilience is a key driver for various facets of decision-making processes. Information systems have a critical role to facilitate such processes. Indeed, information system researchers have pioneered many of the conceptual tools that this vantage point of decision making demands. This thematic view of IS will offer IS researchers to position and present their efforts not only more cohesively but also will provide a platform to focus on the impact of IS research to solve ongoing societal challenges. These include a focus on organisational resilience and sustainability encompassing risk assessment, cyber threats mitigation, the role of big data, disaster management, and environmental modelling.

Come and join us at ACIS2018 where we will explore these issues through our tracks and plenary sessions.

Conference Tracks

    Organisational Resilience and Disruption
    Digital Business Innovation
    Emerging Technologies and the IoT
    Social Impact, Diversity, and Inclusion
    Information and Knowledge Management
    Business Analytics and Big Data
    IS in Healthcare
    Design and Design Science (including HCI)
    Agile, Project Management, and IS Development
    IS Education, Training, and Learning Technologies
    IS Philosophy and Research Methods
    Social Media
    IS Security Management and Privacy

Submission Types

    Full Research Papers
    Research-In-Progress Papers
    Panels, Workshops, and Tutorial Proposals

All paper submissions will undergo a double-blind, peer-review process.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-07-29
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