Conference Information
PDeS 2018: International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems
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Ostrava, Czech Republic
Viewed: 7922   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Modern Concepts in Control Systems

    Embedded Systems in IoT and Industry 4.0
    Cyberphysical Systems
    Virtual & Augmented Reality
    Agent-based systems, Collaborative Systems
    Biologically Inspired Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

Reliability, Safety and Security of Elements, Circuits and Systems

    Embedded Systems Security
    Compression, Error Correction Codes and Cryptography
    Remote Testing of Systems
    High Reliable Systems
    Fault Tolerant Circuits and Systems
    Behavioral Failure Modeling
    Quality of Communication Services
    Built-In Test Circuits and Architectures
    Analogue and Mixed-Signal Circuits Design and Test

Communication Systems

    Industrial Wireless and Wired Standards
    Wireless Embedded Devices in Control Systems
    Personal Digital Accessories in Context of Control Systems
    Sensor networks
    Smart grids and Electric Vehicles
    Wireless Communications (Software-Defined Radio (SDR), Channel Estimation and Equalization, Betwork of the Fifth Generation (5G), Internet of things (IoT), etc.)
    Optical Wireless Communication (Visible Light Communications (VLC), Car 2 Car, etc.)

Signal Processing

    Digital Signal Processing
    A/D and D/A Converters
    Neural Signal Processing
    Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
    Digital Processing of Speech Signals (Noise Reduction of Speech)
    Biological Signal Processing (ECG, PCG, and BCG Signal Processing, Fetal ECG Signal Processing, etc.)
    Adaptive Filtering (Adaptive Filter Design and Implementation)
    Soft Computing - Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Fuzzy Systems (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS), Adaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE), etc.,)
    Non-Adaptive Methods (Wavlet Based Techniques, Blind Source Separation (BSS), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), Principle Comoponent Anylysis (PCA), Singular Value Decoposition (SVD), etc.,)
    Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
    Sensor Array and Multichannel Processing
    Nonlinear Signal Processing

Control Theory

    Advanced Algorithms for Linear and Non-linear Control Design
    Modeling, Simulation, Optimization and Identification of Processes
    Industrial Automation, Applications and Case Studies
    Model-based Design, Real-Time Control, Modeling and Verification Techniques (HIL, PIL), Visualization Systems
    Adaptive Systems
    Networked Control Systems
    Artificial Intelligence in Control Systems
    RT control
    Safety and Fault-Tolerant system

Field Programmable Logic and High End Design Means

    New Programmable Logic Devices and Supporting Tools
    Digital Circuit Design using Programmable Devices, High Level Synthesis and Partitioning
    Emulation of Digital Circuits using Programmable Devices
    Reconfigurable Architectures
    Verification of Digital Logic Systems

Embedded Systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

    Multiprocessor Systems
    Design Tools and Application Software
    Microprocessor Based Control Systems
    Emulators and Simulators
    Embedded Systems
    Hardware/Software Co-Design
    Embedded Operating Systems
    Standards, Safety and Security

Industrial Programmable Controllers, Industrial PC's and PLC's

    High effective CPU structures
    Special Purpose Modules
    Sensors and Measurements Converters
    Control Program Representation Methods
    HMI/SCADA Systems
    Human Computer Interaction

Renewable Energy Systems

    Smart grids and energy management policies
    On- and offshore renewable energy systems
    Smart homes
    Green buildings
    Architectures & topologies for energy storage

Biomedical systems

    Biosensors and Data Acquisition
    Sensors of Biological Signals
    Clinical Applications and Research
    Medical Informatics
    Supporting Technologies for Health Handicapped
    Medical Imaging and Image Analysis
    Biosignal Processing
    Biomedical Instrumentation, Modeling and Simulation
    Measurement and Control in Biomedicin

Industrial applications

    Innovative Industrial Applications
    Industrial Nets
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-11-30
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