Conference Information
APWC on CSE 2017: Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering
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Call For Papers

We are delighted to invite authors in the area of Computer Science and Engineering to submit their recent research paper at 4th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computing Science 2017 (APWC on CSE 2017) in Fiji on 12-14th December 2016. APWC on CSE 2017, the International Conference on Computing Science, aims to bring researchers, academics, scientists, industry people in a common platform yearly basis for presenting and discussing new innovative technologies in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. In particular, Big Data, Biomedical Engineering, Cloud Computing, Information Systems, Multimedia, Networking & Security, Robotics, Software Engineering and Applications in Business and Social Sciences. APWC on CSE 2017 is expected to give an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promote discussion about the pedagogical potential of new technologies in Computer Science and Engineering to Asia-Pacific region.

Conference Areas

Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:

AREA 1 :Big Data

- Big data mining
- Big data scalability and reliability
- Big data security
- Big sensor data management
- Managing and mining data in cloud computing
- Managing and mining social networking data
- Privacy in big data
- Others

AREA 2 : Biomedical Engineering

- Biosignal sensors and signal processing
- Body Area Network (BAN) for medicine and healthcare
- eHealth systems and pervasive healthcare
- Preventive care & long-term patient management
- Privacy and security issues for biomedicine
- Smart textiles for wearable BAN
- Telemedicine and Telemonitoring
- Wearable and implantable devices/systems
- Others

AREA 3 : Cloud Computing

- Access Control
- Cloud Computing Security
- Intrusion Detection Methodologies and Applications
- Reliable Computing
- Trust Model and Trust Management Policy
- Trusted Computing
- Others

AREA 4 : Information Systems

- Applications of Information Theory
- Business Process Change
- Deductive vs Inductive Approaches
- Enterprise Application Integration
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Ethical, social, privacy, security and moral issues in an e-society
- IS and Change Management
- IS and Organisation Development
- IS Quality Management and Assurance
- Knowledge Management
- Multi-Terminal Information Theory
- Organisational IS Roles
- Outsourcing Risks, Barriers and Opportunities
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods
- Risk Management in IS Design and Development
- Others

AREA 5 : Multimedia

- Compression algorithms
- Crowdsourcing in multimedia systems and applications
- Human-centered approaches to mobile and multi-device interaction with multimedia
- Mobile augmented and mixed reality
- Mobile multimedia services
- Novel multimedia interfaces and technologies for multi-device interaction
- Novel multimedia service architectures
- Others

AREA 6 : Security and Internet of Things

- Communication networks
- Future networks and architectures
- Green the IoT
- IoT applications and services development
- Learning Automats Methodologies and Applications
- Machine-to-machine communications
- Metrics, Measurement and Evaluation of the IoT
- Modelling and simulation of communications networks
- Network architecture and system design for the IoT
- Algorithms and data analysis techniques for the IoT
- Security, Trust and Privacy in the IoT
- Sensor and Actuator Networks
- Wireless and mobile networking
- Others

AREA 7 : Robotics

- Cognitive Approach for Robotics
- Collective and Social Robots
- Engineering Applications
- Humanoid Robots
- Human-Robots Interfaces
- Industrial Networks and Automation
- Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems
- Mechatronics Systems
- Physical Sensors
- Grasping and Manipulation
- Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems
- Network Robotics
- Surveillance, Fault detection and Diagnosis
- Others

AREA 8 : Software Engineering and Applications in Business and Social Sciences

- Next frontiers of Software Engineering: use of big data
- Rapid Application Development for Mobile
- Service Oriented Architectures
- Software Architectures and Engineering for Novel Systems
- Software Engineering for Mobile Systems
- Software Engineering for the Web
- Software testing
- System Software for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems
- Others

AREA 9 : Applications in Business and Social Sciences

- Applications using human-computer interaction
- Business engineering
- Business intelligence
- Business studies of applications and technology
- Crowd sensing
- Enterprise computing and applications
- Mobile phone sensing
- Opinion mining
- Pervasive computing
- Social and Community Intelligence
- Social aspects and issues of applications and technology
- Social Behaviour Modelling
- Social engineering
- Social network analysis
- Social Opinion Representation
- Others

Paper Submission

Authors can submit their original work in the form of a Regular Paper, representing completed and validated research about an issue discussing ideas, facts, situations, methods, procedures or results of scientific research focused on one of the conference topic areas. All papers must be submitted under the following IEEE guideline through the online submission. After the paper submission, authors will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.


4th APWC on CSE 2017 will follow two publication models. All the conference paper submission will go through first for the peer review process. Then the accepted papers will place in the Digital IEEE conference proceedings. Few top ranked paper based on the reviewers ranking will be selecting for the following below journal special issues.
Fijian Studies: A Journal of Contemporary Fiji
Journal of Software
Australian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering

The Conference content will be submitted Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. IEEE reserves the right not to publish any proceedings that do not meet these standards. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-06-04
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