Conference Information
OOPSLA 2024: Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Pasadena, California, USA
CCF: a   CORE: a*   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 32208   Tracked: 46   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The OOPSLA issue of the Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) welcomes papers focusing on all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems and environments. Papers may target any stage of software development, including requirements, modelling, prototyping, design, implementation, generation, analysis, verification, testing, evaluation, maintenance, and reuse of software systems. Contributions may include the development of new tools, techniques, principles, and evaluations.

OOPSLA 2024 will have two separate rounds of reviewing, with the Round 1 submission deadline on the 20th of October 2023 (note that SPLASH/OOPSLA 2023 is 22-27 October 2023) and the Round 2 submission deadline on the 5th of April 2024.

In each round, papers will have a final outcome of Accept, Revise, or Reject—see Review Process for details. Papers accepted at either of the rounds will be published in the 2023 volume of PACMPL(OOPSLA) and invited to be presented at the SPLASH conference in October 2024.

Review Process

PACMPL(OOPSLA) has two rounds of reviewing with submission deadlines around October and April each year. As you submit your paper you will receive around three reviews and an opportunity to provide an author response that will be read and addressed by the reviewers in the final decision outcome summary. There are 5 possible outcomes at the end of the round:

Accept: Your paper will appear in the upcoming volume of PACMPL(OOPSLA).

Conditional Accept: You will receive a list of required revisions that you will need to address. You must submit a revised paper, a clear explanation of how your revision addresses these comments, and — if possible — a diff of the PDF as supplementary material. Assuming you meet the listed requirements, after further review by the same reviewers, your paper will very likely be accepted. This process has to be completed within two months of the initial decision for the paper to be accepted, so we encourage timely turnaround in case revisions take more than one cycle to be accepted.

Minor Revision: The reviewers have concerns that go beyond what can be enumerated in a list. Therefore, while you may receive a list of revisions suggested by the reviewers, this will not necessarily be comprehensive. You will have the opportunity to resubmit your revised paper and have it re-reviewed by the same reviewers, which may or may not result in your paper’s acceptance. When you resubmit, you should clearly explain how the revisions address the comments of the reviewers, by including a document describing the changes and — if possible — a diff of the PDF as supplementary material. This process has to be completed within two months of the initial decision for the paper to be accepted in the current round, so we encourage timely turnaround in case revisions take more than one cycle to be accepted.

Major Revision: You will receive a list of revisions suggested by the reviewers. Papers in this category are invited to submit a revision to the next round of submissions with a specific set of expectations to be met. When you resubmit, you should clearly explain how the revisions address the comments of the reviewers, by including a document describing the changes and — if possible — a diff of the PDF as supplementary material. The revised paper will be re-evaluated in the next round. Resubmitted papers will retain the same reviewers throughout the process to the extent possible.

Reject: Rejected papers will not be included in the upcoming volume of PACMPL(OOPSLA). Papers in this category are not guaranteed a review if resubmitted less than one year from the date of the original submission. A paper will be judged to be a resubmission if it is substantially similar to the original submission. The Chairs will decide whether or not a paper is a resubmission of the same work.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-09-17
Acceptance Ratio
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