Journal Information
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
Impact Factor:
World Scientific
Call For Papers
Aims & Scope

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (IJITDM) provides a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies which bridge the latest information technology and various decision-making techniques. It promotes how information technology improves decision techniques as well as how the development of decision-making tools affects the information technology era. The journal is peer-reviewed and publishes both high-quality academic (theoretical or empirical) and practical papers in the broad ranges of information technology related topics including, but not limited to the following:

    Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
    Bio-informatics and Medical Decision Making
    Cluster Computing and Performance
    Data Mining and Web Mining
    Data Warehouse and Applications
    Database Performance Evaluation
    Decision Making and Distributed Systems
    Decision Making and Electronic Transaction and Payment
    Decision Making of Internet Companies
    Decision Making on Information Security
    Decision Models for Electronic Commerce
    Decision Models for Internet Based on Companies
    Decision Support Systems
    Decision Technologies in Information System Design
    Digital Library Designs
    Economic Decisions and Information Systems
    Enterprise Computing and Evaluation
    Fuzzy Logic and Internet
    Group Decision Making and Software
    Habitual Domain and Information Technology
    Human Computer Interaction
    Information Ethics and Legal Evaluations
    Information Overload
    Information Policy Making
    Information Retrieval Systems
    Information Technology and Organizational Behavior
    Intelligent Agents Technologies
    Intelligent and Fuzzy Information Processing
    Internet Service and Training
    Knowledge Representation Models
    Making Decision through Internet
    Multimedia and Decision Making
    Multiple Criteria Decision Making in Information Technology
    Network and Decision Making
    Neural Networks and Performance
    Online Business and Decision Making
    Optimization and Information Technology
    Organizational Information Systems
    Pattern Recognition Models
    Performance of Parallel Computing
    Reasoning under Uncertainty
    Social Decisions on Internet
    Software Performance and Evaluation
    Telecommunication Systems and Evaluation
    Visualization and Decision Making
    Web based Language Development
    Web Search and Decision Making
    Website Design and Development
    Wireless Technology and Performance
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
Special Issues
Special Issue on Exploring Data Science in IT and Quantitative Management
Submission Date: 2025-02-28

Conference Organizers: International Academy of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (IAITQM) Ibmec Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Ibmec) Brazilian Society of Operations Research, Brazil Conference Chairs: Luiz F. Autran M. Gomes (Ibmec) Yong Shi (IAITQM) Keynote speakers: Raj Reddy, the 1994 Turing Award recipient, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. James Tien, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Dean of College of Engineering, University of Miami, USA. Po-Lung Yu, the Distinguished Professor (Emeritus) of University of Kansas (KU), Kansas, and Distinguished Professor for Life of National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan. The International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM), established by IAITQM, is a global forum for exchanging research findings and case studies that bridge the latest information technology and quantitative management techniques. It explores how the use of information technology to improve quantitative management techniques and how the development of management tools can reshape the development of information technology. The First International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management(ITQM2013) took place in Suzhou, China. The Second International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2014) was held in Moscow, Russia. Topics: IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in the government sector and in public and private companies Applications of IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in Logistics, Finance, Marketing, Strategy, Human Resources, IT, Project Management, Process Improvement, Sustainability, Innovation, and other Management disciplines Developments in IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making in different industries, such as Oil and Gas, Banking, Transportation, Utilities, Health care, Telecom, Education, etc. Habitual domain and behavioral approaches to Big Data analytics Data Science issues in information technology and quantitative management Applications of Big Data technologies and methods (e.g., Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Analysis) to support optimal decision making Using mobile technologies and cloud computing to enhance optimal decision making Applications of Social Networks Analysis in IT-enabled quantitative management and decision making IT-enabled quantitative management and maturity models Soft computing methods in quantitative management and decision making processes Developments in Multicriteria Analysis related to IT-enabled quantitative management Semantic learning and intelligent awareness Quantitative management tools Important Dates Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2015 Early Registration starting date: March 31, 2015 Early Registration due date: April 30, 2015 Publications All accepted papers after strict peer-reviewing process will be included in the main conference proceedings by ProcediaComputerScience (Els (Eevier), which will be submitted for indexing, such as CPCI-S,EI. All accepted special sessions/workshops after strict peer-reviewing process will be included in the International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making (2013 SCI Impact Factor: 1.980), and Annals of Data Science (Springer). Email: Website:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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