Journal Information
World Wide Web
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

We have witnessed the emergence of a new revolution: `The Web Revolution', which has resulted in the globalization of information access and publishing. World wide web researchers and practitioners face new technical challenges in advancing the world wide web technology from the globalization of access to the globalization of computing.

World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWW) is an international, archival, peer-reviewed journal which covers all aspects of the World Wide Web, including issues related to architectures, applications, Internet and Web information systems, and communities. The purpose of this journal is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their rapidly developing knowledge and report on new advances in Internet and web-based systems. The journal also focuses on all database- and information-system topics that relate to the Internet and the Web, particularly on ways to model, design, develop, integrate, and manage these systems.

Appearing quarterly, the journal publishes (1) papers describing original ideas and new results, (2) vision papers, (3) reviews of important techniques in related areas, (4) innovative application papers, and (5) progress reports on major international research projects. Papers published in the WWW journal deal with subjects directly or indirectly related to the World Wide Web. The WWW journal provides timely, in-depth coverage of the most recent developments in the World Wide Web discipline to enable anyone involved to keep up-to-date with this dynamically changing technology.

The WWW journal topical coverage includes, but is not restricted to, the following subjects as they relate to the World Wide Web:

Application program interfaces
Authoring tools and environments
Browsing and navigation techniques and tools
Collaborative learning and work
Computer-base d training and teaching
Content mark-up languages, such as XML
Courseware development
Data and link management
Data dissemination techniques on the Web
Digital libraries
Distance education
Distributed computing
Electronic commerce
Financial transactions
Information storage and retrieval
Innovative applications
Integration of heterogeneous information sources
Internet and Web-based

    agent systems
    cooperative databases and cooperative information systems
    data management
    database and information-system integration
    information extraction
    information services
    information-system modeling, design, and development
    information visualization
    support tools and languages for information-system development
    search and filtering technology

Internet transactions and transactional processes in the Web
Metrics and measurement
Mobile Web Information Systems
Multimedia software engineering
Object-oriented software engineering
Performance evaluation
Protocols (e.g., HTTP, IIOP)
Real-time computing
Search techniques and engines
Security, authorization, authentication, and privacy
Server and client technologies
Ubiquitous information
Universal design (.e.g., multilingual access)
User interfaces
Verification, validation, and testing
Virtual reality and 3D visualization
Web applications
Web change monitoring and management
Web content standards
Web data mining
Web database security
Web-based data-modeling languages
Web-based GIS
Web Information dynamics
Web information security
Web page design techniques and tools
Web query languages
Web site management techniques and tools
Web-based publishing
Web-based training and teaching
Web-based multimedia/hypermedia systems
Web-supported cooperative work

XML and semi-s tructured data for Web applications

In addition to the above Internet- and Web-specific topics, the WWW journal also encourages research work on all fundamental issues relating to database and information systems for the Internet and Web. The following are some sample topics of interest when they are addressed within the context of the Internet and Web:

Database and information systems support for cooperative work
Data mining and warehousing
Data models and meta-data management
Information retrieval
Interoperability and heterogeneous information systems
Multimedia database and information systems
Object-oriented and object-relational databases
Query processing
Transaction processing
Workflow systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-18
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