ComNet 2024: IEEE International Conference on Communications and Networking
2024-07-31 Extended
Hammamet, Tunisia
閲覧: 1140   追跡: 0   出席: 0

About IEEE ComNet 2024

The 11th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Networking, IEEE ComNet’2024, together with a 6G Global Connectivity Summit, is organized by MEDIATRON/SUP’COM and aims at bringing together ICT researchers from northern and southern countries to meet, and to exchange ideas and expertise on topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Machine Learning, Communications and Networking.


Authors are solicited to contribute to this conference by submitting original articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas :

Track1: AI and big data for networks & digital communications

    Big Data Analytics for Wireless and Wired Network Design
    Machine learning techniques for propagation modeling and wireless communications in 6G
    Big Data Intelligent Networking
    Self Organizing Networks

Track 2: AI and big data applied to cybersecurity

    Deep learning for secure fingerprint techniques
    Security and privacy issues, Best practices and use cases
    Big Data, Analytics & Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity
    System Software and Security

Track 3: Services and applications AI and big data

    Impact of AI & Big Data technologies
    Delivering ai & big data for a smarter future
    Deep learning for healthcare Ethics on Big Data and AI
    Open data/Social impact of AI
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-07-30
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling2.700Elsevier1093-3263
Annals of Operations Research4.400Springer0254-5330
Modeling, Identification and ControlThe Research Council of Norway0332-7353
International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management AIRCC2319-4103
Computers & Fluids2.500Elsevier0045-7930
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory3.500Elsevier1569-190X
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems1.400Springer0924-6703
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing0.600Springer0938-1279
cMobile Networks and Applications2.300Springer1383-469X