Conference Information
ICETCI 2024: International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence
Submission Date:
2024-04-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hyderabad, India
Viewed: 7233   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Fourth International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence, ICETCI 2024 will be held at Mahindra University, Hyderabad on Aug 22-24, 2024. This aims to highlight the evolution of topics, frontline research and multiple applications, in the domain of Computational Intelligence from the mainstream foundations to novel investigations and applications. The conference comprises of one day of tutorial sessions and workshops followed by two days of Keynote Lectures by invited international experts from Industry and Academia, and technical paper presentations. Also, the conference hosts several special sessions on emerging technologies and applications in computational intelligence. The Conference is supported by industry relevant tutorials conducted by various organizations.

More information on the Conference may be found at

ICETCI 2024 invites submissions that are original, previously unpublished innovative work in any area of Computational Intelligence, both emerging topics which form the theme of the conference as well as more foundational areas.

The three main tracks of the Conference are:

    Deep Learning
    Sequence Modelling and
    General Topics in Computational Intelligence



        Neural Networks
        Evolutionary Algorithms
        Fuzzy Logic
        Rough Sets
        Bayesian Methods
        Reinforcement Learning
        Cognitive Learning
        Quantum Computing
        Learning Paradigms
        Memory Paradigms
        Reasoning Models
        Deep Learning
        Explainable AI
        Physics Informed Neural Networks
        Adversarial Machine Learning
        Game Theory
        Extreme Learning Machines
        Intelligent Agents
        Multi-Objective Optimization
        Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning
        Generative Models
        Large Language Models
        Hybrid Models


    Natural Language Processing
    Computational Genomics
    Recommendation Systems
    Music Information Retrieval
    Generative Adversarial Models
    Augmented & Virtual Reality
    Industry 4.0
    Social and Crowd Computing
    Big Data Analytics
    Robotic Process Automation
    5G/6G Communications
    Renewable Energy Systems
    Structural Health Monitoring
    Smart Cities
    Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Graphical Models
    Climate Science
    Remote Sensing
    Computational Finance
    Computer Vision
    Sentiment Analysis
    Condition Monitoring and Control
    Autonomous Systems
    Creation of Art and Music
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-31
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