Conference Information
INTAP 2020: International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Applications
Submission Date:
2020-05-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Gjovik, Norway
Viewed: 6863   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Applications (INTAP'20) will be held on 28-30 September, 2020. INTAP 2020 will be organized by Artificial Intelligence Research Group, hosted by the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU), Norway and University of Agder, Norway. INTAP'20 will be technicall sponsored by Springer and co-sponsered by IEEE Norway Section. INTAP'20 will address recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence that has resulted in a number of emerging fields of research such as Ambient Intelligence, Pervasive Intelligence, Web Intelligence, Bio-Inspired Intelligence, and many more. Emergence in various new fields of intelligent computing has opened new horizons of research and development. It is an important aspect to see that how these advancements in the field of intelligent computing are effecting the human life. Moreover, we are interested to investigate the way of the modern intelligent technologies simplifying decision making and information processing.

The aim of this conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the computer-based methods and technologies of collective intelligence and their applications in (but not limited to) such fields as green computing, ambient computing, ubiquitous computing, power computing, global computing, pervasive computing, etc.

Topics of interest for INTAP 2020 include, but are not limited to:

Intelligence: Agents, deep learning, machine learning, web intelligence, multiple intelligence, etc.
IoT: Sensor based Systems, Smart buildings, Wearable systems, Implantable Systems, etc.
Data Analysis: Big data analytics, text analytics, web analytics, business intelligence, etc.
Decision Support Systems: Health systems, sales optimization, etc.
Intelligent Environments: Ambient, virtual, and mixed reality, semantic web, etc.
Social Media Analytics: Text mining, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, etc.
Smart Environments: Pervasive intelligence, ubiquitous computing, RFID and BLE, etc.
Robotics: Machine Design, Industrial IT, Intelligent Monitoring, Robotics & Vision, Collaborative Robots
Visual Communication: Affective interactions, intelliVision, multimedia learning, intelligent video surveillance
Intelligent Telecom Systems: 5/G IOT, Digital Forensices, Fraud mitigation, Market Analysis and Forecast
AI/ML Security, Privacy & Trust: Biometrics, machine learning for cybersecurity, Privacy by Design, privacy preserving ML and AI, Privacy-preserving data mining and big data analytics , trustworthy, safe and resilient intelligent systems, secure information flow/sharing, ML / DL over encrypted data, blockchain/ distributed-ledger technologies, threat models and attack modeling for AI/ML and applications etc.
AI for Software Engineering: principles, practices and applications
Natural Language Systems: tools, theories, and case studies
Miscellaneous: Ambient intelligence, persuasive intelligence, bio-inspired intelligence, etc.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-25
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