Conference Information
CCI 2020: Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence Date: |
2020-01-20 Extended |
Notification Date: |
Conference Date: |
2020-03-04 |
Location: |
Mashhad, Iran |
Viewed: 7765 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
On behalf of the CCI2020 Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 2020 Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence (CCI2020), March 4-6, 2020, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. The congress theme is 'AI-for-Good' and is scheduled on the national 'Good-Deeds' week. As such, we particularly hope to address the profound ways in which artificial intelligence can serve human societies in good causes. Mashhad is a historic city, colloquially also recognized as the city of Ferdowsi, the Persian language's epic poet and his Shahnameh (the story of kings). It is located in the northeast of the country, near the borders with Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. It was a major oasis along the ancient Silk Road connecting with Merv to the East. The CCI2020 itself consists of three well-established conferences on swarm intelligence and evolutionary computing (CSIEC2020), fuzzy systems (ICFS2020), and intelligent systems (CIS2020). It is also officially co-sponsored by the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) in addition to two Iranian societies on fuzzy Systems (IFSS) and Intelligent Systems. The congress has both English and Persian speaking sessions. More details can be found on our website: and the attached poster. We would love to have your contributions at this congress by submitting your recent works, participating at the workshops, and joining the national competitions. We also appreciate your good help with informing your colleagues and friends about CCI2020. The extended Paper submission deadline is November 22, 2019. Call for Papers: Papers should be submitted electronically through the congress web site. All regular and industrial papers will be peer-reviewed and ranked based on the criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity. Submitted papers should follow the conference style as explained on our website, Call for Special Sessions: Special sessions are expected to be organized by well-recognized experts on the topic. They aim to bring together researchers in special focus topics. Cross-fertilization of the various aspects of the congress and newly emerging topics are strongly encouraged. The extended deadline for special sessions proposals is November 6, 2019. Call for Tutorials and Workshops: The organizing committee of CCI2020 invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main event. These workshops aim to provide participants from the industry as well as the university students a familiarity with the various paradigms of computational intelligence, the available tools, as well as the emerging topics in computational intelligence. They may be also used to showcase challenging industrial problems and successful industrial implementations of computational intelligence in various industries. We strongly encourage the workshop organizers to make their workshops highly interactive and include discussions, Q&A and panel sessions to facilitate a lively exchange of ideas among the attendees. Workshops can be two hours, half or full-day events depending on the scope and the content of the workshop. Accordingly, interested industries/organizations are invited to submit suggestions related to artificial intelligence both to the Workshops Chair, Dr. Aliakbar Akbari (, and the CCI2020 secretariat (, by November 6, 2019. Workshop Proposal Details: Proposals are limited to no more than five pages and should contain the following information: Organizers (names, affiliations, email addresses and phone numbers; identify one person as the primary contact person) Description of the workshop: abstract, objectives, goals, relevance to CCI2020, and expected outcomes The motivation for why a CCI2020 workshop on this topic is needed Description of the target audience and estimated number of participants Workshop duration, format, activities, and schedule List of committed program committee members Preliminary list of invited speakers (if any) Short biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience All proposals will be evaluated by the Workshop Committee, and the accepted proposals will be announced by November 22, 2019. The best workshop will be awarded by the Workshop Committee. Call for Competitions: The organizing committee of CCI2020 has decided to hold competitions based on real problems from the industry. Accordingly, interested industries are invited to submit their problems related to artificial intelligence to the Competitions Chair, Dr. Saeid Abrishami (, and the CCI2020 secretariat (, by November 6, 2019. Each proposal should contain (a) a description of a real problem from the industry, including its goals and rules, b) its input and output data, if applicable, (c) the evaluation procedure, (d) suggested award level and industry support, and (e) a biography of the organizers including their contact information. If there are any real data about the problem, please provide detailed guidelines on how the participants may access it. All proposals will be evaluated by the Competitions Committee, and the accepted proposals will be announced by November 22, 2019. All accepted proposals will be announced as a competition, and the best solution(s) will be awarded by the Competitions Committee.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-01-04
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Automation and Remote Control | 0.600 | Springer |
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | 4.200 | Elsevier |
Information and Computation | 0.800 | Elsevier |
Natural Language Processing Research | Atlantis Press | |
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