Conference Information
SLE 2022: International Conference on Software Language Engineering
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Auckland, New Zealand
Viewed: 11512   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics of Interest

SLE covers software language engineering rather than engineering a specific software language. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Software Language Design and Implementation
        Approaches to and methods for language design
        Static semantics (e.g. design rules, well-formedness constraints)
        Techniques for specifying behavioral / executable semantics
        Generative approaches (incl. code synthesis, compilation)
        Meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches
    Software Language Validation
        Verification and formal methods for languages
        Testing techniques for languages
        Simulation techniques for languages
    Software Language Integration and Composition
        Coordination of heterogeneous languages and tools
        Mappings between languages (incl. transformation languages)
        Traceability between languages
        Deployment of languages to different platforms
    Software Language Maintenance
        Software language reuse
        Language evolution
        Language families and variability, language and software product lines
    Domain-specific approaches for any aspects of SLE (design, implementation, validation, maintenance)
    Empirical evaluation and experience reports of language engineering tools
        User studies evaluating usability
        Performance benchmarks
        Industrial applications
    “Synergies between Language Engineering and emerging/promising research areas”
        AI and ML language engineering (e.g., ML compiler testing, code classification) Quantum language engineering (e.g., language design for quantum machines)
        Language engineering for physical systems (e.g., CPS, IoT, digital twins)
        Socio-technical systems and language engineering (e.g., language evolution to adapt to social requirements)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-04-09
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