Conference Information
ICDESA 2014: International conference on VLSI Design, Embedded Systems and Applications
Submission Date:
2014-07-11 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Viewed: 10613   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICDESA2014 is now accepting manuscript submissions.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft full paper to Email: or by Easychair The submitted paper can be in MS WORD format or PDF format.

Please click to download the Paper Format for the Conference

Each paper submitted to ICDESA2014 conference will be sent to at least two reviewers that include members of the International Program Committee, members of the Technical Committee, and additional qualified reviewers.

The main topics of interest for this track include but will not be limited to the following.


T1 VLSI Design

VLSI Design and Implementation
Analog and RF mixed signal design
Synthesis, DFT and test
Simulation Verification
Design for manufacturability and yield
Power analysis and low-power design
Thermal analysis and temperature aware design
Physical design, packaging and board design
CAD, CMOS sensors and MEMS
nanoscale computing and nano-electronics
High performance computing
Multi-core and parallel architectures

T2 Embedded Systems and Applications

Embedded system architecture
Embedded hardware support
Real-time systems
Embedded software
Hardware/software co-design
Testing techniques
Embedded computing education
Embedded Engineering
Image and Video processing
Reconfigurable systems
Applications in DSP
Communications, encryption
Hybrid systems-on-chip
Embedded software tools
case studies, ESL design flows
Software Architectures
Pervasive Embedded Devices
Micro and Nanotechnology
Low-Power Electronics
Embedded Robotics
RFID Applications

NOTE: Other related topics are also welcome.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-07-05
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