Conference Information
CloudComp 2023: International Conference on Cloud Computing
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Hong Kong, China
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Call For Papers
As a novel computing paradigm, cloud computing has changed the world tremendously in the past two decades. It offers scalable computing and storage resources as services to support various applications cost-effectively and flexibly. It has also promoted the proliferation of big data analytics and deep learning in the last decade. Currently, cloud computing is continuing to power and drive technological development and advances in various areas such as industrial manufacturing, medical healthcare, intelligent transportation, smart city, e-government, e-commerce, and e-finance, etc. It is also the backbone for emerging edge/fog computing technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which constitute a rapidly-evolving ecosystem that profoundly changes the world’s IT landscape and people’s lives.

CloudComp 2023 aims to bring together researchers and industry developers to discuss and share their recent viewpoints and contributions to cloud computing, It aims to present recent theories, experiences, and results obtained in a wide area relevant to computing, giving researchers and industrial practitioners an opportunity to gain in-depth insight on the current and futuristic cloud computing technologies

We welcome contributions from the following fields:

Cloud Architecture

    X as a Service Paradigms
    Cloud Computing Architecture
    Public/Private/Hybrid Cloud
    Edge Computing / Fog Computing
    IoT/Sensor Clouds
    Simulation and Virtualization in Cloud Computing
    Cloud Data Management Architecture

Cloud Management

    Cloud Resource Scheduling and Computation Offloading
    Edge Resource Management and Optimization
    Quality of Service (QoS) in Cloud Computing
    Cost Models and Optimization in Cloud Computing
    Privacy, Security and Trust Issues in Cloud Computing
    Heterogeneity in Cloud Computing
    Energy-saving Issue in Cloud Computing
    Cloud Data Management

Cloud Applications

    Cloud Computing for Big Data Processing
    High Performance Computing based on Cloud
    Cloud Supported Smart X Technologies
    Distributed and Parallel Query Processing
    5G and Cloud Computing
    Blockchain Techniques for Cloud Computing
    Edge Computing Applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-09
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