FACS 2023: International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software
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FACS 2023 is concerned with how formal methods can be applied to component-based software and system development. Formal methods have provided foundations for component-based software through research on mathematical models for components, composition and adaptation, and rigorous approaches to verification, deployment, testing, and certification. Furthermore, we embrace a trend in recent FACS editions by introducing a new special track of “Formal Methods at Large”: it will accept submissions about advances based on formal methods across all kinds of software-intensive systems, possibly unrelated to components or composition.


The conference seeks to address the applications of formal methods in all aspects of software components and services. FACS aims at developing a community-based understanding of relevant and emerging research problems through formal paper presentations and lively discussions. FACS 2023 welcomes contributions including but not limited to:

    Formal methods, models, and languages for software-intensive systems, components and services, including
        verification techniques (e.g., model checking, type systems, testing, runtime analysis),
        probabilistic techniques,
        (co-)simulation techniques,
        composition and deployment,
        component interaction,
        software variability,
        QoS and other non-functional properties (e.g., trust, compliance, security, privacy);
    Formal aspects of concrete software-intensive systems, including
        service-oriented architectures,
        business processes,
        cloud or edge computing,
        real-time/safety-critical systems,
        hybrid and cyber physical systems,
        quantum systems,
        components that use artificial intelligence;
    Tools supporting formal methods for components and services;
    Case studies and experience reports over the above topics;
    Special track: Formal Methods at Large.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of FACS, we also invite submissions on the topic of “component-based systems through the years” that describe important results and successful stories that originated in the context of component-based software engineering. All the accepted papers will be presented in a special session.
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2023-06-23
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